““Scaling up renewable energy, such as wind and solar, goes hand in hand
with the expansion of transmission infrastructure””
The Need
Additional renewable energy projects are needed to drive the transition to a decarbonized electric grid. The premier wind and solar resources, however, are generally located far from the demand of urban load centers. New electric transmission lines are needed to deliver affordable clean energy to customers demand.
The Benefits
Customer access to new, low-cost, renewable energy generation
Enhance system reliability and resilience
Create new jobs and spur economic development
The Challenge
Developing transmission to integrate renewable energy projects is not a new idea. Projects designed to solve this need, however, have encountered numerous setbacks, delays, and failures. A common challenge faced by these projects is opposition during the siting and permitting processes. Traditional transmission lines are above ground, visually unappealing, and can negatively impact the local environment. It is evident a new approach is needed in order to accelerate the needed buildout of transmission.
The Solution
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology allows transmission lines to be reliably buried underground or underwater over long distances. An underground HVDC line can provide an economically feasible development solution to the integration of renewable energy projects and can utilize existing right-of-ways to minimize any local impacts. New clean power can be transmitted from prime resource areas to urban load centers without the visual and environmental impacts of above ground lines, facilitating the energy transition.